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Open Access Database

Many companies still rely on obsolete methods of managing their data – Access to database systems has never been easy. It usually involves a command line and lots of logging and re-linking. If properly adapted, simple Access Database system can give you quick return on investment ( quicker than Excel 2003).

But it still relies on the file structure of a typical database saved in an ordinary spreadsheet.

One issue with storing your data in a spreadsheet is that you can easily collapse and repair sections of any particular report. This is not a problem if you are targeting a smaller or static report. But if you want to process hundreds of thousands of records, the previous three above methods are pretty much useless.

Option 2: Crystal Reports

Trial and error have always been the key to discover why people use a particular piece of software. Make it a habit to keep a library of Crystal Reports for your favorite queries and try to experiment with different versions to get the one that suits you the best.

Conclusion: Crystal Reports is a good tool to improve the interface points for users without having to learn a whole new program. The issue is that the spreadsheet features can not be fully utilized unless the database is setup for it. Also the frequent calls, data loading from flat files and subsequent slow loading of records might be a reason for some frustration.

File relationsheets in tables can also be an issue. Especially if you have virtual attributes that tell different attributes from the same item. The limits on the number of records can also feel too restrictive, especially if you are working with large volumes of data.

You could also try setting up an environment for records to be made and stored in. There is good and bad news here. Too many people use the ‘easy’ method of setting environment variables in Outlook and other e-mail clients. Unfortunately, this often means hundreds of settings later on. It can cause severe backlogs especially on large scale databases.

Additionally, you can do nothing about the file size or number of records that are kept in a database that has a limit. But there is no need to worry when you need to reduce your database’s size. Simply use the FREE scanner from Sentry Metiles to see how many records your system contains and which ones can be eliminated.

Do You Want to know why your Computer is so Slow?

Have you realized that the resources of your computer are used up 95% of the time you are just surfing the net? Well this might be because of the windows registry errors and it is really dictating how your computer hers be using the resources of your system.

The registry is the record holder of all the applications, files and other settings that has to do with your PC. As your computer gets older, the registry Due to the increasing number of items added to the registry and the work of collecting such data slows down. Over time, the items that are added cause your computer to react slowly to simple commands because it has to go through a lot of useless data that is just adding to the bloating of the registry.

The useless data often include spyware and adware and their traces. This causes your computer to react slowly to simple requests because it has to go through the contents of the registry while the request is yet to finish.

The result of the increased usage of the registry gives rise to errors and this leads to dll errors. And thesell errors might get you a computer crash!

The solution to all these problems is to run a free registry scan from registry cleaner tools that are easily found on the internet. Most of these registry cleaner programs offer a free scanner you can download which will be able to locate the problems and all the unwanted data in your registry.

The programs offer the possibility to attempt to fix the errors without knowing what exactly is wrong. You can simply click on the “fix errors automatically” button and the program will inform you how many errors it will find.

The whole cleaning process will take less than 10 minutes and the scanning will not take up too much of your computer resources. Using a registry cleaner can help you improve your computer’s performance, get rid of errors and stop you asking why is my computer slow.

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